Sunday, January 17, 2010


 Hi Doll's,
So i been in the Philippines for like a week already and am sad becasue i only have about a week left and time flys so fast when your on vacation. I been having so much fun with my family going to the beach everyday. We are Currently on a island Called Boracay that is only 4 miles long and two miles wide.
it kind of feels like your on cast away. lol But anyways i just wanted to give you a little update i will write a big blog when i get home.

The Kids Of This Island.

Riding ATV's on the Beach

My brother was trying to take pictures of my but this wind was like 60 mph so it was hard to keep your eyes open and keep a stright face but this was the only picture that came out decent.

On the beach with my two little cousins after swiming

Alot more to come once i get over my cold.

Hope you enjoyed =)

Friday, January 8, 2010



Do you ever just sit back and reminisce about things that have happen in your past good and bad?

Out with the old in with the new

I can't believe that 2010 has come. i Swear i remember 2000 like it was yesterday. So much has happened in 10 years and I sometimes wonder how my life would be if I could erase certain events that took place.

But thats not how it works Everyones life has a timeline and things happen for a reason. Your life was intended to have each up and each down that you go threw.
We all have a purpose why we were put here on earth.

Do you know yours?

Live your life everyday to better yourself don't dwell on the little things. Enjoy every opportunity that comes your way. Use all your talents and passions to your advantage.

Be You. Concur the WORLD

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010

Hi Doll's,

GoodBye 2009

Hello 2010 

Sorry for being late i been super busy preparing for my Vacation for the Philippines in just 4 days.

I really can't believe 2009 has ended already. It seems the older i get the faster the years fly by. 2009 brought so many good memories and blessings my way. It is definitely going to be a year i will remember forever. There were some downs but i have to say that all the UPS really outweighed the downs.

2010 is going to be a even better year then 2009 was and thats going to be hard to top but i know it will.

Goals for 2010

*lose weight and eat healthier
*Find a Career
*Become a even better wife, Sibling, and Daughter
*get rid of the small debt i have
*Travel somewhere new
*Gain more Followers
*Go Back to school

Memories of 2009

spending time w/ loved ones

My 22nd Birthdae

Camping in Mammoth

Throwing my Cousin & Good Friend Baby Showers

Our Many Vegas Trips

And Last But not Least
Christmas =)

I want to thank all my followers for reading =) When i started this blog 2 months ago i would have never thought that anyone would be interested in my gibberish.
Can't Wait to hit 40 so i can do my first giveaway =)